Op deze website zal de auteur Patrick Petersen diverse publicaties delen die onderdeel waren van mijn Master of Arts en Master of Science dual-opleiding aan de London School of Business and Finance op gebied van Digital Marketing Experience, Mixed Reality and Mobile Consumer Experience, Consumer Behaviour en Customer Relationship Management. De artikelen zijn onderdeel van de diverse discussions als ook assignments die onderdeel waren van de studies.
How can industry develop an on-line presence that incorporates marketing strategy, engagement with the consumer, and feedback to enhance its product/service line?
Concerning the fact that consumer nowadays show ways of escapism and desicion making is based upon escapism companies must find ways to really engage customers. Expets and industry professionals must also understand the behaviour of consumer hyper efficiency. It reflects the new way of doing business that is here to stay. The expansion of the use of the internet has changed the business models. So the oline presence the incorporates marketing strategy should enhance innovative ways of connecting relevant consumer groups. Taking a look at the importance of understanding the modern consumer behavior in today’s business of connectivity everywhere, it is a matter of “when”, not “why” when it comes to establishing an professional online presence. 1
The marketing strategy must also online understand the efficiencies that are valued by consumer impact their purchasing decisions. 2
First the corporate website is of main importance. All businesses should have a website. It can be extremely basic, but it should contain the fundamental information customers targetting both existing and potential customers. Create a website that meet the strategic goals and clear objectives can help you decide how to design that website. The corporate website should show the understanding how to close the gap between consumer desires and industry deliverables. 3
Survey your existing customers to be sure whate the website should include. It’s the best way to get the insight you need for a better online presence. At least provide a short synopsis of the items and include a link to other pages on your site and also include a contact pagem privacy policy and about page. Constumer groups, like millennials, rely mostly on blogs before they make a purchase, compared to fewer than 3% for TV news 4. So the website should include blog items like product discussions, product overviews and ofcourse frequently asked questions page. The FAQ is an immediate customer service shortcut that might save you, and your customers, time on traditional communication like phone. Websites should include customer reviews because many customers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. User reviews simply increase conversions and are significantly more trusted than descriptions that come from manufacturers. 5